Settlement & Commercial Spaces Services & Offers

Ein von grünen Wiesen umgebenes Gewerbegebiet in Nordfriesland.

North Frisia – room for your investment

Are you looking for a suitable location for your company in the district of North Frisia? Then you’ve come to the right place! We at the North Frisia Economic Development Agency will be happy to support you in your search for a suitable commercial space. North Frisia offers you many advantages as a business location: high quality of life, good transport connections, innovative strength, proximity to Scandinavia and a diverse industry structure with a focus on green future markets and tourism. North Frisia offers companies a wide range of opportunities to settle on land that has already been developed and is available at short notice. This includes existing areas in inner locations, areas in industrial estates, conversion areas and brownfield sites.

Our Services – Your Advantages

  • Support in the search and purchase of attractive commercial space
  • Regional expertise
  • Holistic (professional) support
  • Advice on subsidies

We're here to help

Individual support

Our commercial properties meet a wide range of requirements in terms of location and size. We work closely with the municipalities of the district of North Frisia to find tailor-made solutions for interested companies. And if the right offer is not available at short notice, we will help you to find a project-related solution with the municipalities.

More information about North Friesland

Our Target Industries

We would like to offer all companies interesting business locations. But we also want to develop in a targeted manner. Building on existing strengths, we focus on the following industries:

  • Green Industries and Supplier Economy
  • Energy industry
  • Maritime Economy
  • Aviation-related industry
  • Data Center & Digital Economy
  • Autonomous Driving
  • Food
  • Healthcare industry
  • Tourism
To our commercial spaces