Awareness of the ecological and social crises of our time is growing. This has consequences – also for the business:
- Customers are increasingly asking for socially and ecologically responsible products.
- For applicants, the sustainability orientation of the potential employer is an important criterion when choosing a job.
- The EU is constantly tightening the requirements for management and reporting in terms of sustainability.
But how can a company position itself correctly here? Lisa Buddemeier will provide an overview of current developments and examples of good practice and show how the introduction of software-supported sustainability management can be promoted for SMEs. Participation in this event is free of charge, but requires prior registration at this link. The event series “Grøn.Impuls – Online Breakfast” is offered as part of the Interreg 6A project GrønBusiness and is funded by Interreg 6A Germany-Danmark. As a project partner, we support small and medium-sized companies on their way to greater sustainability and a circular economy. We provide answers to frequently asked questions and offer assistance in the development of more sustainable services and processes.