Our Team Who We Are

Our Team

Our team consists of many bright minds who are happy to assist you with a lot of competence and empathy.

"Developing North Friesland is close to my heart."

Dr. Matthias Hüppauff

Management | Business DE/DK | Subsidies

Tilmann Meyer

Promotion with vision: I stand for a dynamic North Frisia!

Tilmann Meyer

Authorized signatory | Regional development | Company service

"I am happy to support the business processes in the background with structure and enthusiasm for figures."

Andrea Brockmann

Assistant to the management | Accounting

Teamfoto von Anja Kujawski, Mitarbeiterin der Wirtschaftsförderung Nordfriesland.

"Chatting, doing, learning - across the German-Danish border."

Anja Kujawski

Innovation & digital economy | ARTEMIS

"My focus is on every consulting client and their training needs."

Christina König

Further training advice | NordNetz Bildung

"Working together - for people, the economy & a sustainable region."

Dagmar Jensen

DE-DK cooperation | Sustainability | GrønBusiness

"Start-ups and pioneering technologies are my focus."

Jan-Christian Mahrt

UAM-InnoRegion-SH | Business

"My goal: to give innovative, fresh ideas for the North a boost!"

Jens Heitmann


"I will be happy to support you at any time in your settlement project in North Frisia."

Dr. Jerome Stuck

Settlement & commercial space management

"I like working with people, so HR management is exactly my thing."

Jutta Kroll

Personnel administration | Team assistance

"I use my passion for North Friesland in regional marketing."

Katja Clausen

Regional Marketing

"My heart beats for North Friesland and renewables!"

Katja Rosenburg

Renewable energies | Business DE/DK | Climate-neutral economy NF" (KliWi NF)

"Our future is renewable: I want to make a difference. MAKE is my motto."

Kirsten Voss

Energy coast

"Lifelong learning and your professional development are the focus of my work."

Lena Pauls

Further training advice | NordNetz Bildung

"Focus: Sustainable solutions to make our region fit for the future with renewable energies."

Martina Carstensen

Renewable energies | Biogas Knowledge Centre | Health Education in the Border Region

Teamfoto von Stefanie Goelling, Mitarbeiterin der Wirtschaftsförderung Nordfriesland.

"My work focuses on the North Frisian specialists of tomorrow."

Stefanie Goelling

Regional Marketing | Internship West Coast