Our “Internship West Coast” project is getting reinforcements! Project manager Franziska Rieve will now be supported by Jan-Christian Mahrt.
Together, they want to use the internet portal www.praktikum-westkueste.de to give companies optimum access to students on the west coast. They also regularly visit all schools in the district of Nordfriesland in order to prepare pupils for the internship in the best possible way. During their visits, it is their job to prepare the students for their upcoming internship and to clarify basic questions.
Franziska and Jan-Christian are also out and about at careers fairs in the district to help the internship exchange attract as much attention as possible.
02.6.2023: Jobnight at the community school in Bredstedt from 18:00 -21:00
13.6.2023: Vocatium in Husum from 08:30-15:00
At www.prakt ikum-westkueste.de, pupils and students can find almost 5,800 offers online from almost 2,600 companies on the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein. But “Praktikum Westküste” is also active offline! Meetings are also held with parents and teachers. When it comes to internships, everyone involved should be brought on board and motivated from the outset to ensure that the students have a successful internship. Companies play a very important role here, because today’s interns are tomorrow’s skilled workers. In various workshops and seminars, the companies are made aware of how they can present themselves attractively to future interns and trainees and how they can best prepare for an internship.
Please visit the platform www.praktikum-westkueste.de. Many questions are already answered here. Or simply contact Franziska Rieve directly: f.rieve@wfg-nf.de.