Latest blog posts



Grøn.Facts – Our information service is launched

Grøn.Facts is now published weekly from A for employer brand to Z for future. We report on Instagram, Facebook and in our blog.


New lamb majesties for North Friesland

North Friesland has new lamb majesties who will draw attention to the importance of the cute lawnmowers for the region for a whole year.


Unlimited knowledge from university to everyday business life

The German-Danish Interreg project ARTEMIS supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing and implementing innovations.


Sustainable management without limits

GRØ wants to support SMEs in recycling raw materials, using renewable energy and implementing the UN sustainability goals in the social sphere.


Reinforcement for West Coast internship

Project manager Franziska Rieve will now be supported by Jan-Christian Mahrt.


5 tips for living and working in the border region

One of the many advantages of North Friesland is its close proximity to Denmark. We have 5 tips for living and working in the border region for you.