Location North Frisia Everything you need to know about the location

Settlement & Commercial Spaces

Renewable energies

Regional Marketing


Germany’s northernmost district is in many respects “at the top of Germany”. North Frisia is a lively economic area and at the same time an attractive place to live with a high quality of life, an intact social structure and many natural resources.

Region & Infrastructure

North Frisia is located on the North Sea coast in the far northwest of Schleswig-Holstein in the economically dynamic German-Danish border region. Geographically, the county covers an area of 2,083 km2 and is home to a population of around 169,000 people. The district is home to about 10,000 people from the Frisian ethnic group as well as members of the 50,000-member Danish minority.

Bundesstraße 5 (B 5) is the main north-south connecting axis along the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein and leads south into the A 23. In addition, the A7 is easily accessible as a connection to the motorway network to Scandinavia or Hamburg. North Frisia is well connected to the rail network via the Hamburg-Westerland and Hamburg-Esbjerg rail connections as well as cross-connections to Flensburg and Kiel.

There is access to air traffic through numerous airports in the region (Sylt, HH, FL, Billund (DK)). In addition, the former NATO airfield Leck is still a special landing field for air traffic and has an aviation permit.

North Frisia is home to 13 ports on the coast as well as on the islands and Halligen. The largest is the state-owned commercial port located in the district town of Husum. With its cargo volume, it is among the TOP 10 port locations in a nationwide comparison. Mainly agricultural goods are handled, and occasionally general cargo or project cargo.

North Frisia also has good access to universities, scientific institutions and further education institutions on the west coast as well as in Flensburg and Kiel.

Landscape & Economy

North Frisia is one of the most popular holiday regions in Germany. The reasons for this are the people, the typical landscape – characterized by the Wadden Sea, islands and Halligen as well as the marshland – and the cultural diversity. Tourism therefore plays a special role in North Frisia. But the North Frisian economy offers much more.

The green markets of the future are also of central importance in North Frisia. These include, in particular, the environmentally friendly generation, storage and distribution of energy (especially wind energy), associated services, suppliers to the renewable industry and the field of sustainable mobility.

However, traditional economic sectors are also important and formative. Compared to Germany and Schleswig-Holstein, North Frisia has a particularly large number of people working in the construction industry and agriculture . The latter is characterized by To this day, the appearance of the circle and has a high significance. In particular, livestock breeding and arable farming with the associated upstream and downstream services (e.g. agricultural trade and agricultural technology) still play an important role in the regional economic structure.

The North Frisian economy is colourful and diverse. In doing so, it is not dependent on a few large companies. Small and medium-sized enterprises are characteristic.

Opportunities in economic development

There are still great opportunities for future economic development in the energy sector (e.g. wind and PV, hydrogen economy, e-fuels) as well as in the maritime and food industries (e.g. aquaculture).

In addition, there is potential for connection between aviation-related businesses, the digital economy and autonomous driving through concrete projects in the areas of drone flight and data centres, as well as the only test track of the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) for autonomous driving in Germany.

Due to the climatic characteristics of the region and existing competencies in the field of health care, the fields of health medicine and health tourism also play a significant role and have growth potential.