Latest blog posts



Sustainable procurement in companies and municipalities

From pencil sharpeners and pencils to coffee, paper, furniture and vehicles from the company's own fleet.


The Northvolt effect

Workshop sheds light on the future of North Friesland in the wake of the Northvolt settlement


Compact knowledge on the topic of sustainability

In today's business world, sustainability is increasingly becoming a keyword.


Vacancy – as lamb prince:essin

In June, our current Lamb Princess Melina will be elevated to the office of Lamb Queen after her "apprenticeship" and is looking for a successor!


Don’t miss out on the sustainability train even as a small company

The topic of sustainability is already in full swing. Don't miss out and get important know-how with the help of our workshop!


Allocation of IB.SH funding is based on sustainable parameters

From October 1 of this year, stricter criteria will apply to the cooperation between IB.SH and the house banks. What does this mean for companies?