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Start-up support NF: Start-ups present themselves to the jury

The "Start-up support NF" project is nearing completion. 14 start-ups presented their ideas to the jury for the start-up prize.


Debate on a nationwide internship exchange

Our colleague Ina Kruse is the project manager of our "Internship West Coast" project.


Center for peaceful drone applications in North Friesland

From sea rescue and agriculture to the monitoring of technical facilities - there are many possible applications for drones.


State supports companies in the energy crisis

Since November 1, 2022, Schleswig-Holstein has been the first federal state to provide its own fund to support companies in the energy crisis.


More relaxed founding in the NIC

The North Frisian Innovation Center, NIC for short, is located in Niebüll. The facility not only offers office space, but also supports start-ups.