Startups & foundation Offers and help

Offers and help

In cooperation with the Flensburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the district of Nordfriesland, regional banks and other players, we provide you with a wide range of free support services. These include start-up advice, start-up support with an ideas competition at the “start-up camp” and a possible subsidy.

Find out more about our offers by clicking on the links below.


Start-ups, founders and anyone with an initial business idea benefit from the ” North Friesland Start-up Camp” organized by the IHK, WFG and the district of North Friesland:
  • Chance to win prize money totaling 8.000 €
  • Individual support for six months
  • Workshops on topics relevant to start-ups
  • Provision of a broad network
  • Assistance in obtaining funding
  • Free reporting & PR on request

The application deadline was March 31, 2024. The start-up camp is part of the Nordfriesland start-up promotion program. Further information can be found in this information sheet.

Award-winning start-ups at the 2022 start-up camp

  1. Beyond Education
  2. Marriage in the north
  3. Hillmann Seminars

Award-winning start-ups at the 2023 start-up camp

  1. Mümmelmors
  2. Pack & Schnack
  3. SmilePrint

Contact persons

Jan-Christian Mahrt

UAM-InnoRegion-SH, Business

In 2024, the district of Nordfriesland will once again subsidize start-ups, product developments and market launches in the district with between 1,000 and 7,500 euros per company.

The decisive factors for the selection of projects are that they fulfill the UN Sustainable Development Goals, are innovative and advance the region. The business-related support fund is part of the Nordfriesland start-up support program. You can find more information here.

An application via this application form is possible until June 30, 2024.

Subsidized projects 2022


Subsidized projects 2023

Contact persons

Jan-Christian Mahrt

UAM-InnoRegion-SH, Business

For the year 2024, the district of Nordfriesland will provide vouchers for external start-up consultations worth a maximum of 250.00 euros net are available.

To apply for a voucher, the completed application form must be sent to the Economic Development Agency by October 31, 2024. The non-transferable voucher is issued at short notice.

The vouchers for start-up advice are part of the Nordfriesland start-up promotion program. Further information and general conditions can be found in the information sheet.

Contact persons

Jan-Christian Mahrt

UAM-InnoRegion-SH, Business

The aim is to strengthen the next generation of entrepreneurs at selected schools in North Friesland. The best simulated start-ups will be awarded attractive cash prizes.

The business planning game is organized by the IHK in cooperation with the Wirtschaftsjunioren and is part of the Nordfriesland start-up promotion program.

Contact persons

Jan-Christian Mahrt

UAM-InnoRegion-SH, Business

As a sparring partner, we offer free support for your start-up project. In a personal meeting, we analyze the goals and opportunities of your business idea together, including providing information on financing options, arranging contacts, accompanying you to the authorities and helping you find a location.

Make an appointment!

Contact persons

Dr. Matthias Hüppauff

Management, Business DE/DK, Subsidies

Tilmann Meyer

Tilmann Meyer

Authorized signatory, Regional development, Company service

Jan-Christian Mahrt

UAM-InnoRegion-SH, Business

EE.SH is one of six strategic innovation clusters in the state of Schleswig-Holstein.

The EE.SH team supports companies in Schleswig-Holstein’s renewable energy sector:

  • in the acquisition of project funds and project partners for the implementation of innovation and transformation projects;
  • in public relations work for the acceptance of renewable energies.

The sponsor of the EE.SH project is WFG NF. In this way, it supports companies, businesses, freelancers and the self-employed in North Friesland in order to create and maintain jobs in the region.

Further information can be found at

Contact persons

Dr. Matthias Hüppauff

Management, Business DE/DK, Subsidies

Katja Rosenburg

Renewable energies, Business DE/DK, Climate-neutral economy NF" (KliWi NF)

Martina Carstensen

Renewable energies, Biogas Knowledge Centre, Health Education in the Border Region