The same old story everywhere. The layout is finished, the text is still a long time coming. So that the layout doesn’t stand naked in the room and feel small and empty, I step in: the dummy text. Created precisely for this purpose, always in the shadow of my big brother “Lorem Ipsum”, I am delighted every time you read a few lines. Because esse est percipi – to be is to be perceived. And because you have already had the goodness to accompany me for a few more sentences, I would like to take this opportunity to not only serve as a gap filler, but to point out something that also deserves to be noticed: Web standards, namely. You see, web standards are the set of rules on which websites are based. There are rules for HTML, CSS, JavaScript or even XML; words that you may have heard from your developer before. These standards ensure that everyone involved derives the greatest benefit from a website. In contrast to earlier websites, for example, we no longer have to program two different websites for Internet Explorer and another browser. All you need is a page that – properly designed – works on various browsers on the web, but is just as good for printing or
Far back, behind the mountains of words, far from the countries of vowels and consonants, live the blind texts. They live in seclusion in Buchstabhausen on the coast of the Semantik, a large linguistic ocean. A small stream called Duden flows through their village and provides them with the necessary regular supplies.
It’s a paradisiacal country where fried bits of sentences fly into your mouth. Not even the almighty punctuation controls the blind texts – an almost unorthographic life. One day, however, a small line of dummy text, its name was Lorem Ipsum, decided to go out into the wide world of grammar. The great Oxmox advised her against it, as it was teeming with nasty commas, wild question marks and sneaky semicolons, but the little blind text was undeterred.
"I am happy to support the business processes in the background with structure and enthusiasm for figures."
Andrea Brockmann
Assistant to the management | Accounting
"Chatting, doing, learning - across the German-Danish border."
Anja Kujawski
Innovation & digital economy | ARTEMIS | GrønBusiness
"My focus is on every consulting client and their training needs."
Christina König
Further training advice | NordNetz Bildung | Küste sucht Könner
"Working together - for people, the economy & a sustainable region."
Dagmar Jensen
DE-DK cooperation | Sustainability | GrønBusiness
"I will be happy to support you at any time in your settlement project in North Frisia."
Dr. Jerome Stuck
Settlement & commercial space management
"Developing North Friesland is close to my heart."
Dr. Matthias Hüppauff
Management | Business DE/DK | Subsidies
"Start-ups and pioneering technologies are my focus."
Jan-Christian Mahrt
UAM-InnoRegion-SH | Business
"My goal: to give innovative, fresh ideas for the North a boost!"
Jens Heitmann
"I like working with people, so HR management is exactly my thing."
Jutta Kroll
Personnel administration | Team assistance
"I use my passion for North Friesland in regional marketing."
Katja Clausen
Regional Marketing
"My heart beats for North Friesland and renewables!"
Katja Rosenburg
Renewable energies | Klimaneutrale Wirtschaft NF (KliWi NF) | Business DE/DK
"Our future is renewable: I want to make a difference. MAKE is my motto."
Kirsten Voss
Energy coast
"Focus: Sustainable solutions to make our region fit for the future with renewable energies."
Martina Carstensen
Renewable energies | Klimaneutrale Wirtschaft NF (KliWi NF) | ARTEMIS | GrønBusiness
Promotion with vision: I stand for a dynamic North Frisia!
Tilmann Meyer
Authorized signatory | Regional development | Company service
"Lifelong learning and your professional development are the focus of my work."
Lena Pauls
Further training advice | NordNetz Bildung
The INTERREG6A project aims to increase the economic growth and competitiveness of SMEs – and the program region itself – through greater innovative strength.
The focus is on topics such as digitalization, automation and sustainability. SMEs in the German-Danish border region face a variety of challenges in these areas.
It is important to use the innovative capacity and opportunities offered by digitalization in order not to fall behind on the necessary path to sustainability and climate neutrality.
In addition, the project is building a permanent cross-border network of stakeholders in order to optimally support the innovative capacity of companies and improve the intercultural climate. Partners from both sides of the border are involved in each initiative.
Contact persons
Anja Kujawski
Innovation & digital economy, ARTEMIS, GrønBusiness